Your body experiences a wide range of changes throughout pregnancy, ranging from breast tenderness in the first trimester to backaches in the third. Prepare for whats coming with our list of pregnancy symptoms by week.
Week 1
Youre not technically pregnant yet, since doctors calculate your due date from the first day of your last period. Youll experience your typical menstruation symptoms: bleeding, cramping, sore breasts, mood swings, etc.
Week 2
Ovulation occurs during week two. Your ovary will release a mature egg that travels into the fallopian tube, where it awaits fertilization with sperm. Symptoms of ovulation include twinging lower abdominal pain (mittelschmerz), breast tenderness, slippery discharge that resembles egg whites, and increased basal body temperature.
Week 3
During week three, the fertilized egg implants into the uterine lining. Some women experience mild abdominal cramping or light spotting known as implantation bleeding. Call your doctor if youre bleeding heavily or have intense pain; this could indicate an ectopic pregnancy where the embryo implanted outside of the uterus (usually in the fallopian tube).
Week 4
Your pregnancy test comes back positivecongratulations! Breast tenderness, one of the earliest signs of pregnancy, might make your bra feel extra uncomfortable at this time. Some women also have a heightened sense of smell or taste, fatigue, constipation, bloating, and mood swings. But dont worry if you dont have any pregnancy symptoms at all; they might take a few extra weeks to show up.
Week 5
Hormone-induced mood swings bring an onslaught of feelings during week five. Your emotions will change from happy to depressed to angry for no conceivable reason. Other early pregnancy symptomslike fatigue and breast tendernesshave probably stuck around too.
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Week 6
For some women, week six brings one of the most dreaded symptoms: morning sickness (although it may start further along in your pregnancy). Your heightened sense of smell can further exacerbate this queasiness, which sets the stage for food cravings and aversions. Morning sickness might stick around until the second trimester, so its best to find ways to cope. Some women find relief by eating smaller meals, ingesting ginger, wearing acupressure wristbands, or avoiding certain trigger foods.
Week 7
Frequent urination is another early pregnancy symptom. Its caused by a few factors: the pregnancy hormone hCG, your growing uterus compressing the bladder, and the kidneys working extra hard to eliminate waste. Plan for plenty of bathroom breaks during your next trip to the movie theater!
Week 8
Your pregnancy symptoms have probably appeared in full force now: nausea, breast tenderness, fatigue, frequent urination, mood swings, bloating, etc. Another unusual symptom is extra saliva in your mouth, which sometimes lasts until the end of the first trimester. Some women also experience headaches from hormonal surges coupled with caffeine withdrawal, stress, and dehydration.
Week 9
Did you know that pregnancy does a number on your digestive system? Many women suffer from constipation and excess gas, in addition to the nausea that accompanies morning sickness. Dont worrymany of these gastrointestinal symptoms pass after the first trimester.
Week 10
Are you glowing, mama? Some women have the radiant pregnancy glow in the first trimester, while others suffer from hormone-induced acne. Youll also notice your breastsand your bellygetting bigger each week.
Week 11
Your growing baby bump might cause aches and cramping around your abdomen. This round ligament pain can be mildly uncomfortable or cringingly painful. Whats more, a clear discharge (leukorrhea) in your underwear signals that your body is attempting to clear bacteria.
Week 12
Did you know that blood volume increases by about 50 percent during pregnancy? One side effect is visible veins on the skin, which are especially noticeable in fair-skinned women.
Week 13
As you near the end of the first trimester, many early pregnancy symptoms will diminish. You might notice, however, that you feel dizzy throughout the day. You can thank hormonal shifts, reduced blood flow, and lower blood pressure for these dizzy spells. Combat them by taking deep breaths with your head between your knees.
Week 14
Youre official in the second trimester of pregnancy! Many women report increased appetite, renewed energy, and higher sex drive during the next few weeks. Take advantage of this feel good trimester by starting a doctor-improved fitness routine and preparing your house for Baby!
Week 15
The second trimester comes with a few strange symptoms. You might experience stuffy nose (thanks to an increase of blood in the mucus membranes), leg cramps, and sensitive gums. As the hormone relaxin loosens your ligaments, you might also feel extra clumsy at this stage of pregnancy.
Week 16
About 90 percent of pregnant women experience darkening of skin around the nipples, inner thighs, armpits, and navel. Sometimes the darkening extends to the cheeks and nose ( the mask of pregnancy)especially if you have a darker complexion.
Week 17
Backaches are inevitable while expecting (you can thank pregnancy hormones yet again!) And if youre feeling more forgetful than normal, blame the so-called pregnancy brain that many women experience. As a plus, many moms-to-be start feeling their baby kick around weeks 16 to 25, so be on the lookout!
Week 18
By now, your belly looks undoubtedly pregnantand your boobs have swelled up to prepare for breastfeeding. Expect to gain weight regularly until delivery (usually about one pound per week). A few stretch marks might appear as you quickly pack on the pounds.
Week 19
During the second trimester, some women experience heartburn, since pregnancy hormones relax the muscles of your lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Try eating smaller meals, staying upright after eating, and avoiding anything acidic, greasy, or spicy. Constipation might also occur as Baby presses against your intestines.
Week 20
By now, your little one might be kicking up a storm! The kicks feel like fluttering in your stomach. Also common during this time are leg cramps, swelling in the hands and feet, dry eyes, varicose veins, and trouble sleeping.
Week 21
Although you mightve had round ligament pain for a while, it tends to increase as Baby grows. Youll feel sharpness in your hip, groin, and abdomen as they stretch to accommodate your uterus. The growing uterus could also put pressure on your lungs, causing shortness of breath.
Week 22
Although youre constantly gaining weight, youre probably looking prettier than ever! Pregnancy often causes thick and shiny hair and fast-growing nails as your body stocks up on extra nutrients. But you might also get dry, irritated skin on your stomach, since its constantly stretching and expanding.
Week 23
Your ever-growing belly can turn an innie belly button into an outiebut rest assured it will return to normal after delivery. During this time, youll probably continue dealing with leg cramps, pregnancy brain, backaches, increased discharge, constipation, headaches, stretch marks, and other second trimester pregnancy symptoms.
Week 24
While some women may still have high sex drives, others notice a dwindling libido. They might feel too sore and tired to do the deed at all. Other pregnancy symptoms include tingling hands from bleeding gums, as well as snoring from swollen enlarged membranes and pregnancy weight gain.
Week 25
Do your hands and fingers feel tingly? You may be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, which happens from swelling and fluid retention. This numb sensation should vanish after you give birth. In the meantime, avoid sleeping on your hands and try shaking out your wrists throughout the day.
Week 26
Sleep might not come easily as you near the third trimester, whether its because of anxiety, leg cramps, or frequent urination. You might also experience itchiness in your hands and feet. Mild itchiness is usually benign, and it can be treated with antihistamines, ointments, or calming lotions. But intense itching could signal a liver disorder called cholestasis of pregnancy that needs medical care.
Week 27
As if backaches and leg cramps werent bad enough, some women get hemorrhoids during the second trimester. These itchy, swollen veins pop up in the rectum because of increased blood flowand they can get worse with constipation. Relieve pain and bleeding with ice packs, sitz baths, or witch hazel pads.
Week 28
Welcome to the third trimester! As you near the finish line, youll start feeling physically exhausted and uncomfortable. Aches and pains are commonplaceand some women will have symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD), which happens when the ligaments around the pubic bone become soft and unstable.
Week 29
As your body prepares for breastfeeding, you might notice yellowish colostrum leaking from your breasts. This fluid serves as a precursor to breast milk, and it helps your little ones body adjust to life outside the womb.
Week 30
The itchiness, swelling, aching, and heartburn hasnt subsided yet. Your stretch marks are probably getting more pronounced as well. These red or pink streaks cant be prevented, but theyll fade significantly after delivery.
Week 31
You were thrilled to put first trimester pregnancy symptoms behind you, but some of them have made a comeback. For example, your breasts become tender as they prepare for breastfeeding, youll need to pee often because of Babys head against your bladder, and youre extremely exhausted with minimal effort. Hang in thereyou only have a few weeks to go!
Week 32
After 20 weeks of pregnancy, your body might produce practice contractions called Braxton Hicks. Theyre characterized by a sporadic hardening or tightening of the uterus and they come more often as the pregnancy progresses. Braxton Hicks contractions usually last between 30 seconds and two minutes, and theyll stop if you change positions. Call your doctor